
What is HTTPS and Why Your Website Needs It?

By February 25, 2023 No Comments


HTTPS is an acronym for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. All these days, web addresses of different sites started with the standard HTTP. However, things are changing and cyber security is a big issue these days. So the added S in HTTPS stands for security: it indicates a secure website that you can trust. 

Any website with HTTPS at the beginning of its address is SSL or Secure Socket Layer certified. This ensures that there are no breaches in security midway as data travels from one computer to the other. In fact, SSL certification is becoming compulsory; in the absence of an SSL certificate, your site will be marked as ‘unsecured’ in search engine results. 

Always ensure your website address starts with HTTPS when you go to a web designer in Byron Bay for designing a new website.

Why is HTTPS Necessary?

Hacking is on the rise by the day and data is being accessed and misused by unauthorised sources randomly. SSL certification indicates a safe and secure site where you can input your personal information without any worries. 

HTTPS Protects your Website from Unwanted Intrusion 

Unprotected sites (sites that are not SSL certified) are regularly targeted by unauthorized sources. They intrude your website with impunity, inserting cookies; scripts; HTML links, unwanted images and other malware.  

This not only affects the user experience but can cause security threats too. You don’t want such ads and pop-ups to distract viewers from your site’s contents. So make sure that your web designer in Byron Bay creates a website that is SSL certified. 

HTTPS Provides Complete Security to Visitors 

Intruders lure visitors to your website to disclose personal information through fake offers and schemes. This makes viewers to your sites vulnerable to security breaches. And once visitors realise that their sensitive information gathered from your site has been misused, they will become scared and never visit your site again. 

HTTPS provides complete assurance to visitors that your site is well-protected and they may enter personal information for genuine reasons. 

HTTPS Enhances the Credibility of Your Business

A professional web designer in Byron Bay understands the value of a secure website for your business and will design it with SSL certified.

This feeling of security gives a tremendous boost to the credibility of your company in the online market. Customers will feel safe while making online transactions and visitors will understand they are dealing with a ‘real’ company that cares. 

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